- Keep
the WIP count under 15. This rule can maybe be waived if I'm piling
finished things up in order to wash/block them all at once.
- Finish everything I start in 2012. Right now I have only my current HPHC projects started in 2012, so this is not an unreasonable goal.
- Make all the gifts on time this year. I'm not giving many hand-knit goods this year, but there is another baby on the way (not mine!) that will need some goodies. I've chosen all the projects and have all the yarn.
- Don't buy any yarn that isn't needed for a specific project. That's a couple skeins for a present planned for next year, if/when I get coupons. Nothing else, at least until 2013.
Blurry kitty thief, because no blog post is complete without pictures: