Nominally, it is complete, and I will probably wear it a couple of times as-is before lengthening the sleeves. 880 yards down, the only thing I knit in July, and it really isn't done. Looks like Camp Loopy Project #2 is bad luck for me - last time I did Camp Loopy I knit the first sock too small and still haven't re-knit it to fit. At least this one is wearable as-is!
About halfway through the first sleeve, I started thinking I definitely had enough yarn. Luckily, I also have enough experience with Knitters' False Optimism (TM) to know that it was time to (a) take out the yarn scale, and (b) use it! At roughly 5 grams of yarn per 2" of knitting, I will be at least 30 grams short of my desired goal, possibly more because the ribbing eats up more yarn than stockinette. For now, it will remain at a more pattern-accurate 3/4 sleeves. I'm not counting the yarn as a negative though, not until it's done to my satisfaction. Which means the graph has gone up:
This month, I pretty much failed on all fronts - not enough yarn to really finish this project, cross stitched instead of spun (more on that soon), but at least I did purchase the yarn for my next project and I finished two cross stitches! Along with a creeping-past-60-page paper at work (single spaced, all this month!), that's not too bad.
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